P-nuff Crunch, which got their start on Shark Tank, is a nutritious health snack made from 8 simple ingredients. They were in desperate need of a rebrand, as their old design looked like they were geared towards the children’s market and they were seeking an older audience.

I was involved with providing the new voice. Ultimately, this led us to take a light-hearted and health-conscious approach. I provided copy for the new packaging, email campaigns, and brand guidelines book. We are currently in the process of rebranding the website.


We are still rolling out the relaunch, but we are seeing an exciting percentage of sales coming in. These new P-nuff Crunch package redesigns were recently featured on the Today Show.



social media campaign:

Dr. Juan is a professional body builder and is competing to be Mr. America this year. For this campaign, we wanted to draw attention to his expertise in the health and fitness industry with the Crunch Crunch Challenge. I conceptualized the challenge and worked with our designer to create the companion graphics.


We saw a rise in engagement on social and a boost in sales from this campaign.